Page 3 - Bonded-Warehouse-Automation
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Bangladesh has significant achievements in attaining the Millennium Development Goals

               (MDGs). For example, Bangladesh being able to reduced poverty from 56.7per cent in 1991-92
               into 31.5per cent in 2010 and finally 24.8 per cent in 2015. Similarly, our achievement in

               achieving universal primary education, reducing child mortality, promoting gender equality and
               women empowerment was outstanding globally.

               Global leaders adopted a set of new development goals on January 01, 2016 in a historic UN
               Summit to be achieved by 2030. These new 17 goals are known as the Sustainable Development

               Goals (SDGs). SDGs are focused to overcoming poverty (Goal 1), overcoming hunger (Goal 2),
               healthy life (Goal 3), quality education (Goal 4), gender equality (Goal 5), access to clean water

               and sanitation (Goal 6), access to clean energy in affordable cost (Goal 7), economic growth

               through decent work (Goal 8), industrialization along with innovation and required infrastructure
               (Goal 9), reducing inequalities (Goal 10), inclusive and resilient  cities (Goal 11), sustainable

               production and consumption (Goal 12), controlling climate change (Goal 13), proper
               management of resources under water (Goal 14), sustainable use of resources on land (Goal 15),

               peace through justice and effective institutional setup (Goal 16), finally global partnership to
               achieve the goals (Goal 17).

               It is visible that, few goals of SDG are the continuation of the goals of MDGs. For example, 1st
               goal of MDG separated under two different heads poverty and hunger as the 1st and 2nd goals of

               SDG. Primary education target of MDG is enlarged here in SDG as quality education. Similarly,
               gender equality, environmental sustainability and global partnership to achieve the goals are

               common is both the goals namely the MDGs and SDGs. There are some additional targets in
               SGDs like decent work and economic growth, industry innovation and infrastructure, reduced

               inequalities, inclusive and sustainable cities, responsive consumption and production, climate

               action, life below water, life on land, peace, justice and strong institutional setup etc. New goals
               of SDG are mainly focusing on two major themes namely economic growth as a catalyst of

               poverty reduction secondly sustainable development with a care to the environment.

               One of the most important factors of the economy of Bangladesh is the export earning and
               majorty of this export earning comes from the RMG sector. If readymade garment sector, the

               major foreign exchange earning sector of the country cannot increase its export target to $50b by

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